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My Approach

"What you resist will persist and what you befriend will transcend"

- Robin Sharma

Situations I've helped people work through include...

     Anxiety and Depression

  • Life Transitions
  • Expat Experience and Multiculturality
  • Divorce & Ends of Relationships
  • ​
Boundary setting
Accepting Sexuality
Dismantling ideas of Toxic Masculinity & Sexism 
Men's issues
Third Culture Kid Experience
Loss of life direction
Inner Child work
Transgender Issues and Experiences
Religious Trauma

My first step in working with people is having a 30-45 minute, no obligation call to see if we would be a good fit and if the things that you potentially want to work on are within my scope of practice. I think it is essential to only work with someone with whom I do not believe I can do meaningful work, so if I feel that's the case I would work with you to find someone else!


From then on out session would last right around 50 minutes where I firstly get to know you well and what your story is, and get a grasp of what exactly your goals for therapy are. These goals are something that I will keep in mind at all times and check in on frequently. I believe in having a direction in therapy and my goal is to get you to the point where you are in a better place with whatever you have decided to begin therapy for!



I believe in having a collaborative relationship with my clients. For me, you are your own expert on what is going on inside your own mind and I am in no way a source of all answers. I prioritize our relationship and think that it is very important to really get to know a person well to be able to do good work.


I use an integrative approach using primarily aspects of Schema Therapy which looks at how maladaptive things that we have learned while growing up affect us to day and how to work to lessen their effect on a person's mental health. Schema therapy is based in Attachment theory, cognitive behavioural therapy, and has psychodynamic ideas. I also use aspects of dialectical behavioural therapy for tools to use in situations where a person is dealing with very intense emotions. 


The goal of my practice is to get you to no longer need to go to therapy because you're in a better place with your original goals but that it is clear that if you're going through a major life change or regression on your goals for any reason that I can welcome you back to get you back to where you were when you decided you no longer needed therapy. 

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